Message From Founder



Our Guru Swami Shree Tratma Jyoji Maharaj had the vision of providing an organized Health Care Instute which would serve mankind without any discriminaon of caste, religion or economic status.

It is the vision which has culminated today into the Shree Prannath Mul-Speciality Hospital & Swami Shree Tartam Jyoji School of Nursing. The aim of these hospitality & Educaon instutes is to provide the best quality of health care service to common people of society at affordable cost. The “Shree Prannath Arogya Trust” started in year 1993 and set up “Charitable Dispensary” in the year of 2000 to provide medicines to the needy. It was developed into a full-fledged mul discipline General Hospital in 2002.

The establishment of this hospital was inspired by the preaching of Lord Mahama Shree Prannath Ji who always stood for amelioraon of the suffering of fellow human beings. This Hospital was the culminaon of rates within the reach of the economically weaker and deprived secons of society, irrespecve of caste, creed or religion.

Shree Prannath Arogya Trust today owns and operates the Shree Prannath Mul-Speciality Hospital, the Swami Shree Tartam Jyoji School of Nursingl, in the city of Surat.

On Holy Day Ram Navami of Year 2000 the Shree Prannath Hospital was inaugurated under the auspices of the Lord Mahama Prannathji This is one of the few hospitals in the Gujarat which is completely debt free and is self-sustaining from the very beginning.

Since its incepon, Shree Prannath Hospital has made lot of progress. All paents and visitors agree on one thing – this is the cleanest, most spacious, well lighted, cost conscious & well managed hospital, totally dedicated to provide simply the best Health care. All the Hospitals were built enrely out of funds received by way of donaons from philanthropists. A constant programme for upgradaon of facilies and investment in modern equipment have made us leading Charitable Hospitals in Gujarat, capable of providing treatment for almost all types of ailments and major diseases.

Despite the rising costs of providing medical treatment over the years, highly complex surgeries and diagnosc procedures are sll provided concessional rates to those who cannot afford these procedures and even completely free to the poor and needy