•Diagnosis and treatment of various Endocrinal and Metabolic disorders like Diabetes, Thyroid disorders,
Obesity etc…
•Diagnosis and Treatment of Endocrinological disease in Pediatric Patient.

Our endocrinology department has a dedicated approach to the diagnosis and treatment of many endocrine disorders. We provide diagnostic, consultation, and therapeutic services for a large number of endocrine problems.

The team of doctors at Prannath Hospitals has experience in the management of several endocrine disorders. Our staff is well-equipped with in-depth knowledge and humane touch. Our doctors regularly treat endocrine disorders like

  • Diabetes
  • Bone disorders
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Adrenal disorders
  • Pituitary disorders
  • Male and female hormonal disorders

Also, the team addresses various complications associated with endocrine disorders. Our staff collaborates with other medical experts to provide a holistic treatment approach. At Prannath Hospitals , we work actively in educating the patient and their family. The team also focuses on the prevention of hormonal disorders.

Our facilities have precise diagnostic tools for providing a definitive diagnosis. MRI Scan and DEXA scans are available at our centre for people with endocrine disorders.